Saturday, May 26, 2007

First round of pictures!

Thanks to Tipah, here are some preliminary photos from the gathering (my photographer is still in a bad mood so the uploading of my photos will have to wait)

The very familiar sign in front of the main school gate. I think it's probably the same sign we had when we were there.

Yup, it's the school kantin. A lot quieter than usual. But if you let your eyes glaze over, you could probably still see us running around there.

Husbands were behind the scene for this photo. We all felt like models as the cameras kept flashing. But everyone wanted a copy.

For the whole set of photographs, please visit

I will try and gather more photos and post them as we go along. If you have uploaded your pictures to your fotopages etc, please leave a message or email me the URL so that I can include it here.

And it came, and it went!

Just got back from the reunion! Was good. There were a few missing faces that everyone was asking about but we will make them feel bad at a later date.

Thank you to everyone who made it. It was good, very good. We will have to do it again, someday!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Don't forget!! Saturday! School! See you there!

Saturday, May 5, 2007

This One Needs You To Do Something!

If you're looking for the details of the reunion, please scroll down to the entry below this. If you've already read it, please continue with this entry


As I wrote in the CBN97 Friendster account, I'm putting together a booklet for those in our batch who are self employed (I know there are quite a few of them out there!) so that we can use the reunion to spread the word. Those of you who are running your own business or who know of our batchmates who are running their own business and would want to be included in the booklet, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE give me a call or sms on 012-2227002!

ASAP please as I need to organise the printing etc.

Monday, April 30, 2007

It's All Go!

Sorry for the long silence girls. Have been sick and with the going up and down the hospital, and the public holidays, I couldn't finalise anything with the school (the headmistress wanted me to go in and speak to her and submit a formal letter etc). Anyway, it's all done today so everything's go.

Date : 26.05.2007
Time : 3.30 pm to 6.00 pm
Venue : Hall, SM Convent Bukit Nanas
Cost : RM30 (RM35 on the day)

Husbands and children are very much welcome! We want to see them too! Kids come free but husbands kena lah bayar ye!

I have also confirmed the details with the catering people and the people supplying tables and chairs. Azie (5A) will be handling the money. Payments will be made to accounts under RHB Bank and Maybank. If you want to make payment, please call her at (o16) 3404120. We would really appreciate it if you could make payments before 20.05.2007 so that we can make payments as well as not order too much food (I hate to waste).

There will be a Khemah Ibadat at the school until 1pm so we will be having a little mad rush to get the hall ready for the event. I have 2 volunteers to help me set up on the day but will appreciate another 2 if anyone can spare the time.

If you need to reach me, my number is 012-2227002. This is a second line for the reunion alone so better SMS and leave me your name.

Please let everyone know!!!! Sorry again for the delay, you guys!

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


I just realised that I will NOT be around on that date! *bodoh, Yazmin, bodoh* Will be outstation in Taiwan between the 18th and the 21st of May.

But if you guys want to go ahead with that date, I'm okay. Will need a volunteer to take over for the day.

Another option would be the 26th of May. The school will be available as it is school holidays.

Will create another option in the survey. Please vote! I feel horrible for changing dates once confirmed just because I won't be around.

Date Fixed! Spread the Word!

The reunion date has been fixed for 19th May 2007. Please mark your calender and spread the word!!

One problem though - there will be exams in the school during the week so the hall will not be available for us. Jaclyn (5T) suggested that we do it in the kantin and under the Frangipani tree (if the weather permits). I'm not sure how you guys feel about that.

I've been looking at places which wont be too expensive to have it in, as well as convenient in terms on transport and/or parking. Also considering ambience and location. Places I've sort of thought off are:-

a) Bora Ombak, Ampang (next to Futsal place near Ampang Point)
b) Naili's Place, Damansara Uptown

Also, I could probably organise for a function room at the following places:-
a) KLGCC, Hartamas
b) RSGC, KL (near Bukit Bintang)

The budget is set at RM30 per person. Anything leftover will be donated to PAWS. Azie (5A) has volunteered to be the Treasurer.

I'll set up a voting thingy as I usually do. Please vote. Will decide on venue by first week of April.